Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Day 1 after the 3rd chemo (update on 10/28/2014)

Dear Family,

Sue has gone through the 3rd chemo smoothly. The blood test before the 3rd chemo was OK. The white blood cell count and platelet count are still within the normal range, but the red blood cell count has dropped out of the normal range, although not by too much. Usually, the first week after the chemo will be tough, loaded with side effects plus weakness. We covet for your prayers. Please pray for the maximum effectiveness and minimum side effects.

How effective was the previous two treatments? The CT taken last week shows that the nodules (all are < 5 mm in Sue's case) in the lung areas are stable, a few are even shrinking slightly. The single swollen lymph node has also shrunk from 2 cm to 1.5 cm. The Adriano gland (腎上腺) seems also responded to the treatment and become smaller (Needs to be verified using PET). Thus, the doctor gave a "stable" mark. Thank you Lord!

However, Sue has been experiencing more bone pain in the shoulder and pelvic areas. Doctor will order low dosage local radiations (10 times in 10 days, a few minutes each time) for the pelvic area. We will see how it goes. Although it began as a lung cancer, but looks like bone (bone metastasis) will be the major battle field in the future treatment.

Several brothers and sisters, in our campus and in others campuses, were diagnosed with various cancers in the past month. We pray that they will all experience God in a rich way just like us, but in a better condition without this much sufferings (Acts 26:20- except for these chains). Lord, have mercy on us!

Donald & Sue

Monday, October 13, 2014

Day 7 after the 2nd chemo update (10/13/2014)


第二次的 chemo(10/6) 後, 由於身體較前次弱, 再加上有點感冒; 嗜睡, 噁心, 胃口不好的情形持續多了兩天. 也有一些新的副作用(口腔潰瘍, 鼻黏膜出血); 這次不是便祕, 而是拉肚子! 總的來說, 情形還算好. 謝謝大家的代禱及關懷! 如今麗芳腿較弱, 無法運動. 醫生建議做復健. 正在聯絡. 還是請為脊柱及腎上腺禱告, 癌細胞的活動在這兩處特別活躍, 求神抑止! 10/23 將作CT 檢查, 看化療的果效. 求神讓化療能有最大果效!

病久了, 最難的保持活潑的鬥志. 最近, 神用中區本月的背誦經文讓麗芳從新得力:

但願使人有盼望的神,因信將諸般的喜樂、平安充滿你們的心,使你們藉著聖靈的能力大有盼望! (羅馬書 15:13)

是的, 祂是使人有盼望的神! 讓我們把發酸的腿, 下垂的手, 再挺起來!

碰到了風浪, 才知道自己的信心小! 麗芳生病後, 我們有許多的反思. 求神能帶我們走一條信心的道路. 尤其知道會眾中有人也在最近進入各樣的試煉 (工作, 健康等), 求神使我們成為 "受傷的醫治者" (Wounded Healer; Henri Nouwen). 雖然自己仍在掙扎中, 卻能用神所賜的安慰來安慰人!

Donald & Sue