Monday, January 19, 2015

Update (1/19/2015) - 行過水火 (開始服新藥第七天)

你從水中經過,我必與你同在; 你(走昜)過江河,水必不漫過你; 你從火中行過,必不被燒, 火焰也不着在你身上。 (以賽亞書 43:2)

1/13 開始服用新藥CO-1686, 到了第三天 (1/15日晚), 麗芳的疼痛已急遽減輕. 當晚, 她沒有服用任何止痛劑, 一覺到天亮. 從那天直到今天, 麗芳沒有再吃任何止痛劑, 包括Advil. 哈利路亞! 再一次的, 我們經歷神做事的奇妙!

從起初, 神就對麗芳說" 你會走過來, 並且繼續往前." 然而, 回想這一段旅程中, 我們的信心曾經過三次極大的考驗.
【不誤時, 不誤事的神】當2013年9月, 診斷出來是肺癌4期, 我們切切的禱告, 求神讓擴散不要到腦. 結果呢? MRI檢驗出來不只已經到腦, 而且是十分嚴重. 當時, 我們絕望了, 到了腦子, 豈不是等死嗎? 我們不禁問神說- 【你真的知道你在做什麼嗎? 你聽禱告嗎?】可是, 神好像不慌不忙, 像在拉撒路的事上, 他又拖了兩天 (約翰福音 11:6). 然而, 吃了 Tarceva 兩個月後, 再檢驗 , 腦子完全乾淨, 2013年12月一直到今天, 腦子一直是乾淨的. 所有的禱告神都聽了. 神是信實的! 榮耀歸神!

在2013年底, 神就賜下以賽亞書 43:2給麗芳:我們卻不曾想到, 在2014年等著我們 的就是水與火的試煉!
【水的試煉】2014二月, 胸腔積水來勢汹汹, 抽了又回來. 六月中, 麗芳前胸裝了一根引流管. 在家中, 我們自己抽水. 那日子好像沒完沒了般的絕望. 我們不禁再次問神說- 【你真的知道你在做什麼嗎? 你聽禱告嗎?】 可是, 到七月底, 胸腔積水居然奇蹟似的無聲無息的乾了, 至今醫生也沒有好的解釋. 八月中, 在化療前, 引流管被移除了! 水的試煉過去了. 火的試驗接連而來!
【火的試煉】2014年九月開始化療, 11月正式宣告化療失敗. 在其間, 癌細胞在麗芳的骨頭上迅速蔓延, 疼痛如同火燒. 半夜常疼醒. 止痛藥也不太管用, 還有讓麗芳嘔吐的副作用. 在疼痛與虛弱中, 好多次, 麗芳問我- "孝棟, 你覺得我能撐得下去嗎?" 我不太有底氣的給她打氣:"神說能走過來就一定能!" 然後我趕緊下樓, 在神面前哭訴- "夫子, 我們喪命啦, 你不顧嗎?" (馬可 4:38) 然而, 化療的失敗卻讓我們因此符合這新藥實驗的要求. 只是轉眼(三天) 之間, 那種痛不欲生的火的試煉又過去了,一切好像是一場夢.

因著神的信實與你們的代禱, 我們平安走過2014那水與火的試煉. 明天如何? 我們不知道, 但知道祂掌管明天! 過了紅海, 還有許多的挑戰在前方.

- 請為藥持續有效, 且最小副作用禱告.

- 請為麗芳的身體能恢復健康禱告!

過了紅海, 2015, 求神帶我們不停在曠野, 直入迦南!

Donald & Sue

Monday, January 12, 2015

Update (1/12/2015) - 海中乾地


在以色列人過紅海的前夜, 大東風吹了一夜, 紅海才成為乾地. 然而, 在那一夜的驚恐等待中, 我不知道摩西和以色列人是如何過的?! 這一陣子, 麗芳的情形惡化的蠻快的. 從11月中到如今, 將近兩個月沒有治療性藥物. 她骨頭疼痛的部位及程度都在快速加增. 止痛劑的副作用(頭暈,嘔吐) 也使身體更為虛弱. 昨天, 我倆一起禱告時, 我們向神說- 我們已經沒力氣了, 求神憐憫.
自從12/29 做了活檢 (biopsy) , 一直在等待結果. 1/6 檢驗結果提前出來(原來要10個工作天的), 感謝主, 麗芳的固態腫瘤有他們所要的T790 m 抗藥基因. 但仍需做血液, 心臟等檢驗. 1/8 我們做了系列檢查.今天(1/12)早上, 正式通知我們進入了這個新藥的研究計畫. 這新藥(Clovis 的 CO-1686 ) 是標靶式的服用藥. 明天早上(1/13) 會上 Irvine, 再抽血, 然後服下第一顆藥,兩小時候, 做心臟檢查. 哈利路亞, 一條乾地終於出現在紅海中! 求神給麗芳力量能走過這神為我們在海中開闢的乾地!

謝謝大家與我們一同走過這一個一個的深淵, 低谷. 神是信實的, 我們所受的不會過於我們所能承受的. 你們不離不棄, 在愛中的禱告及各樣的幫助, 我們都銘刻在心. 與你們在主裡相約, 好好愛祂, 趁著有力量的時候服事祂; 等麗芳好起來, 我們再一同在主裡同工!


Friday, January 2, 2015

Update 1/2/2015

Happy New Year to all of you, our family in the Lord!

2014 had not been an easy year for us. Yet, as we looked back and counted our blessings on the New Year's eve, we are surprised by God's love through all of you. Thank you! Without your supports (prayers and many other practical caring acts), we couldn't have made it.

As you may have known, towards the end of the 2014, Sue has developed drug resistance for the targeting cancer drug Tarceva, and she did not respond well to the chemo treatment either. Thus, we are currently applying for a clinical trial program at U. C. Irvine. The program uses a new targeting drug developing by the Clovis company. Sue's cancer cells need to have a certain genetic structure (T790m mutation) for her to be qualified. She had completed the biopsy on 12/29/14. It will take about 10 business days before we know the results.

Waiting is the most difficult lesson for us to learn; especially when the situation is critically urgent. As I described in my previous update (in Chinese), we are like the ancient Israelites, trapped between the Red Sea and the enemy's army. All we can do is to stretch our hand of faith over the Red Sea, and wait patiently. The rest is all God's work. In those days, HE caused the Great East wind to blow whole night to open the way in the Red Sea. HE caused the pillars of fire (cloud) moved to hinder the enemy's army all night long. So, we are waiting for His mercy!

Despite all the struggles, we did not turn in a blank exam paper in 2014.

We learned that the church is God's since the Central Campus are doing well despite our inadequacies.

We learned to admit our needs and to ask for helps. We learned to receive helps graciously and ask God's blessings for the providers.

We are learning to fight the spiritual battles with prayers, and are still learning!

Donald is also proud to inform you that he received a high score from Sue in serving her in the past year. (What a rewarding experience!)

We are standing firm and waiting to see what God has prepared for us in 2015. We do not know what tomorrow may bring, but we know who holds the future! We covet for your continue prayer supports.

Donald & Sue