Friday, February 13, 2015

休止符 (2/13/2015)


在麗芳生病的這一年半來, 除了主恩堂的弟兄姊妹, 我知道有許多的人都在為她代禱. 從紐約州到佛羅里達, 從聖地牙哥, 到洛杉磯, 北加州, 德州, 台灣, 大陸, 都有人. 你們的心與禱告, 也隨麗芳的病情而起伏. 謝謝你們了.

我必須承認, 神的劇本不是我所要的. 周一,二,三, 麗芳的各方面都有顯著的改善, 我從沒想到是迴光返照. 昨日, 她一直在沉睡. 今早我進病房, 她還有呼吸. 我怕她熱, 還挪去了一層被蓋. 6:30, 照顧的姊妹發覺麗芳太安靜了, 叫護士來, 已沒有心跳! 早上6:30, 麗芳走完了人生的旅程, 安息主懷. 與最愛她(也是她最愛)的救主同在,不需再受肉體上的痛苦了. 那美好的仗她已經打過了, 當跑的路她已經跑盡了, 所信的道她已經守住了, 從今以後, 有公義的冠冕為她存留!

我如何? 早上我大哭了三次, 將遺體交給醫院及殯儀館處理. 回到家, 看到一草一木, 都有麗芳的蹤跡. 我哭了又哭, 我哭不是難過, 因為她現在與主同在好得無比. 我哭, 是因結髮28年, 我習慣了她在旁邊的日子, 將來有事, 我找誰商量? 過去的一年半, 我更是在神前領受 [照顧她是我最高的優先順序] 的託付. 她是我骨中的骨, 肉中的肉! 我哭, 是因為痛. 二人成為一體, 神拿去了我更好的一半, 祂若不將自己給我, 讓我如何活下去?我哭, 是因著濃濃的不捨與茫然.

在此, 我必須為這部落格譜下休止符! 還好, 不是永別, 而是再見! 那天, 在基督台前, 麗芳會沖著我揮手說- "孝棟, 你怎麼現在才來?" 讓我們等待號角響起時, 再續前曲!

Pastor Donald

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Sue's update (2/9/2015): With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible!

Dear Family,

Thank you for praying for Sue. I know you are eager to know Sue's most up-to-date situation. Sorry for the delay, for I still only have very little time to rest.

On 2/7, there were 70-80 bothers and sisters visited us in the ICU. By regulation, only 2 visitors are allowed each time, but they were kind enough to allow more than 10 people to surround Sue's bed side each time. They even managed to find a private room for us.

Sue's conditions has been stabilized since then. The ICU doctor acknowledge that their judgments were off. Sue did not have a stroke. They asked me how I would want to treat Sue. I told them:
(1) Continue to feed her with NG tube ( because Sue is still having trouble swallowing).
(2) Train her to regain swallowing ability.
(3) Eventually, remove NG tube and walk out the hospital herself.
The doctors said  those are good goals, but based on their experience, she will not be able to do it.  I told them: "I respect your professional judgment, but I know we will get them done!" What they do not know is our secret weapon, that is our huge network of prayers! The goals are set! They then transferred us out of ICU into a regular room (we are currently in Thornton West Wing  Room #259).

Sue's sodium level (135-145) has exceeded the lower normal range to 136 yesterday (2/8), and even exceeded the upper range 145 to 147 today (2/9). The doctor has stopped the salt pill and Saline fluid and replaced it with pure water.

Sue's mental status has been improved steadily. She was awake most of the day time. She remembers the visitors, and greets them with her unclear voice. Actually, her speaking clarity has been improved greatly.

What to pray?
(1)Pray for Sue's heart: her heart still raced to 190 twice, but it can be controlled with the heart-rate  medicine. Pray for stable heart rates.
(2) Pray for Sue's lung.
(3)Pray for Sue's swallowing ability to recover fully.

We want to walk out the hospital alive to prove that “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” We will walk out UCSD hospital alive and give glory to God!

Pastor Donald