Thursday, March 20, 2014

3/20/14 update

Pastor Donald and Pastor Sue had returned safely from their Taiwan trip. Thank you all for your prayers. Following are the update and prayer requests in Pastor Sue's own words:

1. During this trip, they had many gatherings with families from both sides for many meals. A week before their visit, Pastor Sue had already informed her sister about her health condition. Even though she is not a christian yet, she encourages Pastor Sue this trial is for her to gain more empathy for those who are suffering, and God is going to use her to comfort more people in the future. The rest of the family members were able to take this bad news calmly. Their reaction brings a big comfort to Pastor Sue.

2. Pastor Sue had a smooth flight to Taiwan. However, there were twice she felt very uncomfortable during this trip. Thank God, He protected her though the prayers.

3. After her return to the States, she did not have much jet lag. She was able to sleep better and recover from the exhaustion.

4. Her next MRI is scheduled on Monday, 3/24. Please pray for the result. Hopefully her brain remains cancer free.

5. Before the trip to Taiwan, Pastor Sue went through a procedure. They drained 1,300 cc of fluid from her lung. The fluid seems to come back partially now. We hope this is not the indication of the resistance from Tarceva. Please pray for the effectiveness of this medication. We will be able to find out more information after next PET scan, that is scheduled in the mid of April.

" My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."......
2 Corinthians 12:9

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