Thursday, December 18, 2014

Update 12/18/2014 - 大東風之夜

在以色列人過紅海的前夜, 大東風吹了一夜, 紅海才成為乾地. 然而, 在那一夜的驚恐等待中, 我不知道摩西和以色列人是如何過的?!
紅海邊, 眾多弟兄姊妹與我們同心向海伸杖, 只聽大東風呼呼吹起, 然而前行的路還是泥濘. 昨天, 上去 Irvine 見到了 Dr. Ou. 他的手上有好幾個Clinical Trials.  他也很幫忙的 Order 了緊急的檢驗, 希望在一, 兩周內可以完成採樣(biopsy). 但因為馬上就是聖誕假期, 他也不知會多快
麗芳的癌細胞現在主要在骨頭擴散, 每一天的拖延都不好, 而疼痛時好像火在骨頭裡燒. 神曾賜下以賽亞書 43:1-2
雅各啊,創造你的耶和華,以色列啊,造成你的那位, 現在如此說: 你不要害怕!因為我救贖了你。 我曾提你的名召你,你是屬我的。 你從水中經過,我必與你同在; 你(走昜)過江河,水必不漫過你; 你從火中行過,必不被燒,
水的試驗(肺積水), 神信實的帶過了; 如今火的試煉, 還能嗎?
保羅曾說,有時- "連活命的指望都絕了!" (林後1:8) 求神在檢驗的事上給我們通達的道路, 並在這等候的期間, 求神加力剛強, 並那雲柱/火柱挪移, 為我們阻擋癌細胞的繼續擴散

Donald & Sue

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Update 12/8/2014 - 在紅海邊


記得以色列人出埃及後來到紅海邊的故事嗎? 前面是大浪翻騰的紅海, 後面是法老的追兵.

現在我們的境遇就像是以色列人當年一樣. 今天見到癌症醫生, 她第一句話就是 "化療無效". 麗芳做了四次化療, 然而PET 掃描發現癌細胞的活動在多處增加, 腎上腺體及肺的腫瘤增長, 多處淋巴感染, 骨頭也多處長出腫瘤 (所以造成麗芳的疼痛). 口服的靶向治療的藥有了抗藥性, 化療又無效, 情形不樂觀.!

但詭異的是我們卻因此有機會可能參與 clinical trials (包括 Clovis 的三代藥. 麗芳經由血液篩檢, 有 T790m mutation. 還須重做 biopsy 證實, 以及 PDL-1 的免疫療法試驗- 還需做biopsy 看是否有那種蛋白). 沒有一個是確定的, 還要做許多檢測. 但又是充滿盼望的!

神的道在海中. 神分開紅海, 以色列人走乾地過去. 求神今日也為我們分開這似乎沒有路的境遇. 神哪, 我們向海伸出信心的杖! 麗芳近日身體極端虛弱也需你們的代禱托住!

Donald & Sue

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Update (11/20): Day 3 after the 4th Chemo- Life is tough, but God is good!

Dear Family,

Sue was in a bad shape on 11/16 (Sunday) , the day before the 4th chemo. When I came home from church, I found her lying at the bottom of the stairs, vomited all over. She seemed fainted when she tried to walk up the stairs. Fortunately, she was not hurt in any way. Yet, my heart was aching to see her suffer like that. We asked a Chinese medicine doctor to check on Sue. He concluded that Sue was just too weak. He prescribed a few herb medicines to broil in water. Sue drank and fell asleep immediately. Praise God! She woke up next morning with a very stable condition. The blood work before the chemo also showed acceptable condition. Thus, we completed the chemo treatment smoothly.

What's next? Our doctor said that a latest study showed that chemo + Tarceva (the targeting drug we use) will not make the patient live longer. Thus, she would like to reconsider Sue's treatment plan. We will do a PET scan on 12/4. Then-

If the results is stable, the doctor will stop the chemo and put her back on Tarceva.

If the results is not good, she may stop the Trarceva and put her on other types of chemo or the clinical trial of PD- 1 (the new immune treatment, if Sue's cancer cell has the necessary PD-1 proteinexpression).

Thus, the future treatment plan is totally unknown for now, but Sue is doing pretty good after this chemo.

The doctor has also ordered radiation treatment to address Sue's bone pains. Sue has two tumor lumps: one is around the right side of the cervical vertebrae (top of the spine), which may have caused her neck pain and dizziness. The other is in the left side of scapula (肩胛骨) area, which may have caused her pain on the left shoulder and left upper-arm. There are also some active cancer areas in the pelvis on both sides. We will begin a low dosage radiation treatment for consecutive 5 days (12/1-5) to control the cancer in those areas.

Thus, please pray for (1) God's guidance in the direction of the future treatment. (2) Max effect of radiation in reducing Sue's neck, shoulder, and other bone pains with min side effects.
Despite all these unknowns and new challenges, we are experiencing joy and peace. (Strange, isn't it?) We pray together every night for ourselves and for the other suffering brothers and sisters. We gave thanks for all the prayers, food supplies, advises, financial supports, friendships and gifts we have received. We are not worthy, but we felt so blessed to be in this big family!

May God bless you and your family according to His promise-

... whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. (Matthew 25:40)

Donald & Sue

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Day 1 after the 3rd chemo (update on 10/28/2014)

Dear Family,

Sue has gone through the 3rd chemo smoothly. The blood test before the 3rd chemo was OK. The white blood cell count and platelet count are still within the normal range, but the red blood cell count has dropped out of the normal range, although not by too much. Usually, the first week after the chemo will be tough, loaded with side effects plus weakness. We covet for your prayers. Please pray for the maximum effectiveness and minimum side effects.

How effective was the previous two treatments? The CT taken last week shows that the nodules (all are < 5 mm in Sue's case) in the lung areas are stable, a few are even shrinking slightly. The single swollen lymph node has also shrunk from 2 cm to 1.5 cm. The Adriano gland (腎上腺) seems also responded to the treatment and become smaller (Needs to be verified using PET). Thus, the doctor gave a "stable" mark. Thank you Lord!

However, Sue has been experiencing more bone pain in the shoulder and pelvic areas. Doctor will order low dosage local radiations (10 times in 10 days, a few minutes each time) for the pelvic area. We will see how it goes. Although it began as a lung cancer, but looks like bone (bone metastasis) will be the major battle field in the future treatment.

Several brothers and sisters, in our campus and in others campuses, were diagnosed with various cancers in the past month. We pray that they will all experience God in a rich way just like us, but in a better condition without this much sufferings (Acts 26:20- except for these chains). Lord, have mercy on us!

Donald & Sue

Monday, October 13, 2014

Day 7 after the 2nd chemo update (10/13/2014)


第二次的 chemo(10/6) 後, 由於身體較前次弱, 再加上有點感冒; 嗜睡, 噁心, 胃口不好的情形持續多了兩天. 也有一些新的副作用(口腔潰瘍, 鼻黏膜出血); 這次不是便祕, 而是拉肚子! 總的來說, 情形還算好. 謝謝大家的代禱及關懷! 如今麗芳腿較弱, 無法運動. 醫生建議做復健. 正在聯絡. 還是請為脊柱及腎上腺禱告, 癌細胞的活動在這兩處特別活躍, 求神抑止! 10/23 將作CT 檢查, 看化療的果效. 求神讓化療能有最大果效!

病久了, 最難的保持活潑的鬥志. 最近, 神用中區本月的背誦經文讓麗芳從新得力:

但願使人有盼望的神,因信將諸般的喜樂、平安充滿你們的心,使你們藉著聖靈的能力大有盼望! (羅馬書 15:13)

是的, 祂是使人有盼望的神! 讓我們把發酸的腿, 下垂的手, 再挺起來!

碰到了風浪, 才知道自己的信心小! 麗芳生病後, 我們有許多的反思. 求神能帶我們走一條信心的道路. 尤其知道會眾中有人也在最近進入各樣的試煉 (工作, 健康等), 求神使我們成為 "受傷的醫治者" (Wounded Healer; Henri Nouwen). 雖然自己仍在掙扎中, 卻能用神所賜的安慰來安慰人!

Donald & Sue

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Seven days after the first chemo (9/23/14)

Dear Family, thank you for your prayers. The side effects of the chemo has been manageable.

The nausea symptom was there but was not too bad. Sue could get by through taking level I (there are three levels) anti-nausea pills. It was at day 4 when we realized that Sue had the constipation problem. Fortunately, it was resolved that day. But now it is diarrhea. Sue slept through most of the day 3- day 5 without eating much, and now Some energy began to come back to hertoday.

Although she still cannot eat much now, today she began to bug some sisters to prepare some weird foods for her, like (猪脚,馄饨 。。。). Her taste has become so unpredictable. She may craving for something in the morning and change her mind in the afternoon. (Thank you sisters for spoiling us!)

Currently, Sue's status with the church is "leave without pay". The church has been generously providing insurance to her, which covers most of the major medical spending. Pastor Lam has also granted Donald full flexibility in taking care of Sue. Financially, we are O.K.!

Dizziness still hit a couple of times each day. We learned to battle it with prayers. We can only let go and let God to catch us. Just like Apostle Paul experienced:

8 we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing;9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; (II Corinthians 4:8-9)

By God' grace, we choose hope, we choose to believe.

Please pray for Sue's spine specifically since many of her symptoms associated with the healthiness of her spine!

Donald & Sue

Monday, September 15, 2014

第一次化療 (9/15/14)


謝謝大家的代禱.麗芳今天下午順利地做完第一次化療, 目前精神還好. 據醫生說, 虛弱的情形會發生在第 2-4 日, 仍需大家代禱. 這次化療是每三周做一次, 做4-6次. 目的是壓住癌細胞的反彈.

今天也與醫生商討了其他的療法. PD-1 自身免疫療法FDA已批准, 但不是用在肺癌. 用在肺癌, 需自費, 且需測是否有PD-1 蛋白 (30% 機率). 而且目前沒有商用公司在做. 醫生答應替我們聯絡安排! 另一個 Clovis clinic trail 也需3-4 周準備. 化療後, 應會知道更清楚有甚麼其他選擇!

醫生目前比較擔心的是癌細胞在脊柱骨髓的活動 (可能是引起暈眩的原因), 請特別為麗芳的脊柱禱告. 這是一場屬靈的爭戰. 然而靠者你們的代禱與耶穌基督之靈的加力, 我們深信終必叫麗芳得救!

Donald & Sue

Saturday, September 13, 2014

在化療前夕 (9/13/2014)


當聽到麗芳要開始化療時, 我們收到很多關心我們的弟兄姊妹質疑的聲音. 因為化療殺癌細胞也破壞自身的免疫系統, 也有很多弟兄姊妹提供各式各樣中西的偏方, 秘方, 土方.

先說說 偏方, 秘方, 土方吧! 首先, 孝棟與麗芳在此感謝所有關心我們的弟兄姊妹. 你們的愛心我們都收到了, 也紀念在天上. 這一年來, 我們收到的偏方, 秘方, 土方不下50種 (包括食物, 飲料, 按摩, 針灸, 中藥, 加熱, 加氧, 處理水). 我們在研究後, 有些我們覺得合適的, 我們都會嘗試. 舉例來說, 最後堅持下來的綜合蔬果汁. 因為姊妹們契而不捨的提供果汁機, 甚至輪流榨汁送來, 我們試了也覺得很好, 就堅持了一整年了! 枸杞紅棗水也是另一個被堅持下來的! 我們也試過 smoothie, 檸檬汁, 但麗芳的胃不適應也就沒做了. 如果你看到一些偏方, 秘方, 土方,仍歡迎你寄給我們. 我們會選適合的試用的!

謝謝弟兄姊妹輪流送菜. 在岑禕姊妹的嚴格把關, 精心調配下, 我們吃的很均衡健康, 又享受了你們各家不同的菜色. 偶而額外送來的蒜泥白肉, 梅菜扣肉, 海南雞飯, 各式小吃, 讓我們也能小小放鬆一下, 享受你們的愛心並懷念健康時的口福! 我們去看了營養師, 她說妳們吃得很均衡健康, 甚至不必補充甚麼蛋白質. 化療後可能胃口比較不好, 調味可以重些. 先打招呼啦!

麗芳目前用的是 TARCEVA, 是屬於靶向治療類, 它要求癌細胞要帶某種基因結構. 這藥只殺癌細胞. TARCEVA在麗芳身上十分有效, 副作用極少 (都是你們的禱告的結果)! 有許多人介紹一些在臨床試驗的新藥, 有的是麗芳沒有那藥所需的基因結構, 有的是麗芳不合他們要求 (大多臨床試驗的新藥都要求要有一公分以上的腫瘤好採樣, 可是麗芳目前身上沒有 1cm 的瘤,都是小顆粒! ) 我們都會與我們的主治大夫討論! 目前最有希望的是 PD-1 免疫療法, 麗芳也不符合他們的臨床試驗要求. 目前 PD-1 在FDA 的快速審核通道, 希望明年上半年可通過. 據說, 療效極好又沒副作用. 我們拭目以待!

目前, 我們尋求後, 覺得化療是合適的選擇. 神可以讓我們免了化療, 也可以在化療中保守麗芳毫髮不傷, 如同但以理的三個朋友, 神既沒有免去他們火窯的試煉, 就賜下火窯中的同在. 當然, 化療並不妨礙我們迫切的禱告, 祂是我們唯一的醫治與保護. 再好的藥, 仍可能無效, 再難的情況, 神能一夜扭轉! 我們謝謝你們的代禱, 過去一年, 是你們的禱告拖著我們, 前面的路, 仍要你們的同行! 在化療前夕, 我們有天上來的平安!

孝棟, 麗芳 (9/13/2014)

Friday, September 12, 2014

9/12/13 Update

Dear Family,

The outcome of the CT/PET scan on 9/9 (past Tues.) showed increasing cancer cell activities all over her body.  Some small nodules in her lung are also growing in size.  Thus, the doctor has ordered chemo to be added to the current targeting treatment (TARCEVA).  Monday will be her first treatment.

Please pray for the effectiveness of the chemo and strengthen Sue's body (she has been feeling weak these days).


Thursday, September 4, 2014

9/4/14 (Part 2)

Dear family,

Just as we thought all is well & calm and we can wait peacefully till mid September for further test, the wave rose again. 

Sue has been feeling dizzy for a while.  Blood test showed no anemia.  During the long weekend, more symptoms occurred- light-headed, fainting darkness, stumbling in walking, double vision, and losing appetite.  The most terrifying thing is- all these symptoms coincident with the symptoms of the brain metastasis (cancer cell in brain).

Although brain MRI one month ago showed no cancer in brain, the doctor won’t take any chance.   She ordered an emergency Brain MRI.  The good news is that MRI results was good- No signs of brain metastasis or stroke.   The bad news is that the doctor still cannot identify the real cause for Sue’s dizziness.

The dizziness is an ongoing one.  Sue has to give up her daily walk.  She is losing appetite (feeling nausea) and having blur vision (thus, she cannot drive). She feels terrible and looks awful in Donald’s eyes. J

This is THE anniversary- One year ago, Sue was diagnosed with cancer. We learned that life is a gift from God daily.  We have received 365 gifts since then. We are learning our faith lessons daily.  We enjoy your prayers (all over the U.S.) and loving cares (food services every other day plus some special orders).

But, we are tired.  We learned that we are not as strong as we thought we are, we learned that we need to depend on Him daily. Sue lost 10 pounds.  She is getting weaker physically, and somewhat depressed emotionally.   Every day, we are facing some new challenges.   We learned to take refuge in the shadow of God’s wings until the disaster has passed. (Psalm 57:1) We cried to God - Lord, when will you deliver us from these constant sufferings?  This is a marathon and we in this race.
More exams are coming. Pet scan will be on 9/9.  It will show how the bone metastasis goes.  Please pray for our spiritual healthiness and Sue’s emotional strength.  Pray that Sue will be protected and get rid of the dizziness symptom.   Pray that the drug resistance will come as late as possible, if ever.
Sue was asking the LORD, “Are you going to heal me and violating the natural laws?” This is what the LORD answered, “Cancer is NOT the natural law, but a violation of the natural law.  Healing is to recover you to be under the natural laws!” May His gracious words be realized on all of us who follows Him!

Donald & Sue

Update (9/4/14)

Dear family,

Sorry that we have not updated our status for more than a month.  The fact is when all is calm; there were not much to report.  When things happened, we were swamped and did not have time to communicate.  Afterwards, we were exhausted and did not have energy to write... I know you will take our excuses graciously.

Sue had serious lung effusion (water accumulation in the chest cavity) at the end of June, and the doctor installed a pipe on her chest, so that we can drain water at home.  After about a month, we noticed that water drained was decreasing steadily, from 400-500 cc every other day to 200, 100.  The interval that we drain water has also being lengthened to 4-5 days a time.   When taking x-ray, and the amount of water left was very minimum.  The doctor want us to keep draining for 10 days and then stop for 2 weeks to see if the water will come back.   On 8/1, we completed every day draining (the water drained dropped tp 10 cc/time at the end) and the waiting period (2 wks).  We then returned for x-ray.  Praise God, the water did not come back.  The chest doctor was happy and considering removing the tube. Yet we are waiting for the results of the exams in September to make the final decision together with the oncology doctor. 

Praise God, this is a miracle.  If you ask people with doctoral background, they will tell you most of the water accumulation case would be getting worse than getting better.  Although the water came like a wave (In the beginning, we drained 2000 cc from her before we installed the tube, and the cavity was still almost full), it had also retreated quietly at God’s command and your prayers in just 2 months (6/30-7/31).   As God has promised in his words given to Sue

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. (Isaiah 43:2)

It was not fun, even painful, in the process, but God has been faithful to be with us through your loving cares and prayers.  Thank you!

Donald & Sue

Monday, July 21, 2014



剛從醫院回來,心裏充滿感謝與讚美,第二次的化療仍然沒做成。除了護士搞錯時間,最重要的是和醫生談過後,她也同意可以再等到九月份的PET/CT ,若肺部腫瘤有繼續增大,或肺積水惡化才需立刻化療。以下是CT與MRI的結果,
  1. 腦部MRI穩定,沒有腫瘤。感謝神。
  2. 肺積水明顯下降,但醫生認為是我們常在家裡抽,所以當然減少。她似乎忘記我前一陣子是因為肺水隔天大量回來,導致有化療的想法。
  3. 肺部的原發腫瘤仍然消失,但數個小腫瘤皆有增大傾向,但速度緩慢。
  4. 醫生用我肺水癌細胞檢驗基因突變,發覺都沒有可進入她臨床實驗的突變,因此若惡化,目前化療是唯一控制之法。基本上只會4-6次化療,之後繼續服標靶藥,直至FDA核准新的治療方法。
好些家人認為我第一次化療因心跳過快,從化療室被送進急診室,是神的美意。如今第二次又沒作成,必定有更多家人堅信神有美意。我目前能確定的是神免了我兩次,讓我有足夠時間去恢復體力,因為每次抽肺水,都讓我失掉一些養分,使得體力虛弱。而孝棟抽肺水的技術也純熟了,能掌握每次的抽水量。此外,我在這個月與神的關係大有長進,也聽到神對我的期許:'妳要為我開開心心的活著.' 是的,我要為祂,而不是為我自己而活,且要開開心心的活著。化療或不化療不再是我的關切,如何每天為祂而活,且開心的活著是我的標竿。家人們,讓我們同走天路,一起經歷祂的美意。


Friday, July 11, 2014



六月中麗芳的肺積水突然急速增加. 醫生因此在右胸裝了引流導管. 醫生懷疑癌細胞已經產生抗藥性. 因此建議開始化療來嘗試減少積水. 然而, 在化療之前, 麗芳因為心跳過快 (>150/min) 被送到急診室,  醫療後已無礙 (原因至今不明);  但化療因此沒有進行此時, 我們發現肺積水的情形在裝了引流管後,迅速改善. 從隔天抽水, 到昨天的五天抽水. 且份量減少及顏色也不含血色!

 因為肺水情形改善, 化療將暫不進行. 下周將做 MRI 腦部掃描及CT 肺部掃描(因為肺積水減少), 希望對病情有進一步的了解!

在過去幾周, 病情的起伏- 肺積水的來勢汹湧, chemo 的陰影 (做後免疫系統的受影響), 心跳的居高不下, 讓我們也是心情隨之上下像門徒一樣的大喊- 夫子, 我們喪命啦, 你不顧嗎? 但轉眼, 一切似乎又平靜下來. 目前我們等候進一步的檢查- 是否藥已產生抗藥性? 若是, 是否有超過 1cm 的腫瘤? (要經過檢驗才可能參加新藥試驗). 腦部是否仍然沒有腫瘤?

前路未明, 有的只是你們的代禱及神恩手的扶持. 神哪! 我們等候你的救恩!

Pastor Donald

Monday, June 23, 2014

6/23/14 update



1. 上週一去醫院抽水前,發代禱信給大家。結果抽了2,000 cc, 第二天照了CT, 結果水又回來。如此洶湧的速度,讓醫生不得不下個結論,Tarceva已無法控制肺部癌細胞的擴散,雖然CT 因肺水之故,無法看見腫瘤,醫生決定下週一開始化療。每三週一循環。但Tarceva仍繼續服用。
2. 肺部大量積水仍然要拿出,因此明早我會到醫院裝導管,之後在家自己每天抽。若化療有效,積水會慢慢減少,直至收乾。
3. 請為明天裝導管一切順利以及化療有最大果效,最小副作用禱告。謝謝你們一路的陪伴。


Monday, June 16, 2014

6/16/14 update

Dear All,


1、 抽肺水過程順利,時間應該是2:30 左右。
4、 明天照心臟超音波,晚上照CT. 願神顯明祂的引導。


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

5/14/14 update


前兩個星期保險公司批准了PET scan, 我立馬決定去抽第二次的肺水,隔天照PET, 這樣肺部的影像可以清晰些。醫生也認為抽水會有幫助影像, 因為過去幾次CT scan, 肺部並沒有照出腫瘤,我醫生也不敢下斷定,因為我的肺積水仍有癌細胞。結果報告出來,只說我的骨轉移有進步,沒有繼續擴散,未提肺部情況。後來護士才說這次PET 並沒有照肺部,因為當時醫生與保險公司爭取PET scan, 僅是為了知道我骨轉移的情況,因為CT 照不出來。雖然有些失望,但還是很慶幸我手腳都沒有癌細胞,因為我常覺得手臂與腿部有疼痛。


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

4/22/14 update


感謝你們這半年多來在信心裏的代禱及在愛心裏所擺上的一切。 我和孝棟只能求神親自紀念並報答你們。昨天是我服標靶藥以來第三次回診,結果如下:
1. 三月分照的腦部MRI 顯示腦部無腫瘤。
2. 保險公司沒有通過PET scan,因此我此次仍然是照CT scan. 基本上,與第二次相同,沒有惡化,算是穩定。
3. 肺積水又回來(我回台灣前抽了1,300cc的肺積水),但比上次少一些。醫生並不認為我已開始產生抗藥性。

1. 神已在第一次回診應允了我和孝棟禱告- '給我們一個significant improvement, 好讓我們知道前面的道路祢必帶領。'神的奇妙作為在12月份的代禱信已與大家分享過。請為我常常能回想神一路的帶領及祂信實的本性,不定睛在自己身體的軟弱上,以致常享平安,並將未來交托在祂手中。
2. 我的醫生仍然要繼續為我爭取PET scan, 以確定骨轉移也在進步中。(CT scan 無法確認)。請為保險能通過代禱。
3. 為肺積水不繼續惡化代禱。



Thursday, March 20, 2014

3/20/14 update

Pastor Donald and Pastor Sue had returned safely from their Taiwan trip. Thank you all for your prayers. Following are the update and prayer requests in Pastor Sue's own words:

1. During this trip, they had many gatherings with families from both sides for many meals. A week before their visit, Pastor Sue had already informed her sister about her health condition. Even though she is not a christian yet, she encourages Pastor Sue this trial is for her to gain more empathy for those who are suffering, and God is going to use her to comfort more people in the future. The rest of the family members were able to take this bad news calmly. Their reaction brings a big comfort to Pastor Sue.

2. Pastor Sue had a smooth flight to Taiwan. However, there were twice she felt very uncomfortable during this trip. Thank God, He protected her though the prayers.

3. After her return to the States, she did not have much jet lag. She was able to sleep better and recover from the exhaustion.

4. Her next MRI is scheduled on Monday, 3/24. Please pray for the result. Hopefully her brain remains cancer free.

5. Before the trip to Taiwan, Pastor Sue went through a procedure. They drained 1,300 cc of fluid from her lung. The fluid seems to come back partially now. We hope this is not the indication of the resistance from Tarceva. Please pray for the effectiveness of this medication. We will be able to find out more information after next PET scan, that is scheduled in the mid of April.

" My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."......
2 Corinthians 12:9

Monday, February 24, 2014

2/24/14 Update

Pastor Sue continues to feel better in these past couple months. She enjoys her part time working schedule, continues to take her daily walk, and was able to completely quit her Advil with some tolerable discomfort. After four months of treatment, she and Pastor Donald are planning to take a trip back to Taiwan to celebrate Pastor Donald's father's birthday from 3/10-3/17.  She is like a walking witness among us! We can only praise God, the Father for His wonderful healing power upon Pastor Sue, and thank all of you for your prayers.  

Pastor Sue went to her Doctor's appointment today. The doctor went over her bloods tests and CT scan results with her. Following are some updates:

Test Results:

1. CT scan on both chest and abdomen areas show stable appearance compared to the previous scan EXCEPT the fluid retention in right lung has been increased.
2. Both liver and kidney functions are within normal range. 
3. Calcium level is low and this is one of the side effects of Xgeva, the bone protecting agent.
4. The bone metastasis is improving.

Treatment  Plan:

1. If the water in her lung still remains after she comes back from the trip, the doctor will have to drain it.
2. Next MRI will be scheduled in March after she is back, and another PET scan will follow it.
3. She will stop Xgeva injection for now.

Prayer Requests:

1. Ask God to grant Pastor Sue the energy, endurance, and safety for the trip to come.
2. God will drain/reduce her water retention in the lung without needles.
3. Ask God to bless them with a joyful heart that they will take all the new challenges in a positive way.
4. They may have great family gathering, and at the same time, they may bring hope/love/comfort and witness to their family members.
5. The medication, Tarceva, usually develops its resistance in few months. Pray for the delay of the resistance or no resistance.
6. Pray for the best results from next MRI and PET scan.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

1/18/14 update

Four months has passed since Pastor Sue was diagnosed with lung cancer, and we all witnessed and experienced how God had protected her and turned her illness around miraculously. We thank and praise God for all He has done. She did her routine blood test and doctor visit in this past week. Following are some updates:

1. No major side effects from Xgeva experienced. Calcium level is still low but is not low enough to cause muscle cramp. This was on the top of our previous prayer list.

2. Alkaline phosphatase, one of bone metastasis indicators, continues to drop. This means her bone metastasis should be improving. Praise God! This was our greatest concern!

3. Liver and kidney functions are considered stable even though the indicators are slightly off normal.

4. She will become part time staff in Feb. and will be in church office only in the morning.

5. Her next CT scan will be on Feb 20 and the next update will be sometime after Feb. 24, her next oncologist visit.

Prayer request:

1. Pastor Sue is still suffering pain in the ribs and back. Hopefully, they will disappear in one or two months when Tarceva reaches the maximum effects (5 to 6 months after taking)

2. Patients usually develop resistance to Tarceva after 9 months. Please pray for the best control under this medication until the more promising second generation medication comes out.

3. Pastor Donald and Pastor Sue will take a trip to Taiwan to celebrate Pastor Donald’s father‘s 90 birthday in March. Please pray for the safety and the best health condition before the trip. Also pray that God will give them wisdom to share her illness with family members, in a way to encourage them, and will give them good family gathering.

“Be confident of God’s love; be hopeful to God’s power!”

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

God in the Valley (English translation of Chinese post on 1/1/2014)

At the beginning of September when I had just returned from a week-long short-term-mission trip in Poland, Sue told me that the back pain she had been experiencing may be due to lung cancer.  My world seemed to be turned upside-down overnight.  The next entire month was spent in and out of the hospital for various testing.  Brothers and sisters prayed fervently, as we did, that God would spare us of this trial.  However, we received one bad news after another; the right lung contained a 3cm-sized tumor, cancer cells have affected the lymph, spreading to the head, including the brain.  There was a month during which Sue was in so much pain that she could only sleep sitting up.  From the top of the hill, we have entered life’s deep valley.  Many people questioned God with “Why?”  And we also questioned, “Lord, what are you doing?  What do you want us to learn?”

During this time, the deacons and coworkers at Central Campus took up much of the pastoral and administrative work: the 40 days of prayer for those who are ill was echoed and participated by all CBC campuses; meal deliveries from brothers and sisters from various CBC campuses; greeting cards, videos and emails to tell us that we are not alone!  There were also brothers and sisters who told that through prayer, the Lord told that He will be using Sue’s sickness to bless many people!  We witnessed with our eyes how the Lord had stirred the church’s loving kindness and faithful prayers through Sue’s sickness.  But, what will become of Sue’s health?  The future was completely unknown…

In mid-October, Sue started taking a cancer-targeting drug and her condition started to stabilize.  We prayed and asked God for a “significant improvement” by the end of the year.  Thank God that at the beginning of December, the CT reported the words “significant improvement.” In addition, the brain MRI and blood tests revealed that the tumor in the right lung “…is not visible” (this is a miracle!).  Only God knows how much we can bear!

Actually, the most difficult battle during sickness is not from the physical pain, but the lurking shadow of death.  The doctors  reminded us repeatedly that this sickness is treatable, but not curable.  When facing death, our faith   flickers like a smoldering wick, and we appear weak and pale.  But, even a smoldering wick God does not blow out!  At every valley, we can only come to the cross, trust in God and hold onto His love; we come to God’s word  for comfort and hope !  The most amazing thing is that during the most difficult times, through the countless prayers offered by everyone,  God’s face is clearer to us  and we come to a deeper realization of the importance and blessing of living in God’s community!

Recently, God gave us the command to “Be confident in God’s love and be hopeful in God’s power.”  We hope for God’s complete healing (He is Jehovah Rophi- God who heals us!), and we also pray that through this journey, God would allow us to experience His love even greater.  Lynda Randle wrote in her song “God on the Mountain” the following:
For the God on the mountain is still God in the valley.
When things go wrong, He’ll make it right.
The God of the day, is still God in the night.

Amen, God is also God in the valley!  Dear prayer warriors, may we all receive great blessings in Christ and deeper experience his love and power in this New Year!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


九月初, 剛從波蘭有一週的短宣服事回來, 麗芳卻告訴我她前一陣的背痛可能是由於肺癌. 世界似乎在一夜間被顛覆了. 之後的一個月出入醫院, 作了許多的檢查. 教會弟兄姊妹的迫切禱告, 我們也禱告, 求神免去這試煉, 但是壞消息是接二連三的- 右肺發現有三公分的腫瘤, 而且癌細胞已影響淋巴, 擴散到骨頭, 甚至已經到了腦部. 有一個月的時間, 麗芳因著疼痛甚至只能坐著睡覺從山巔, 我們走到了人生的低谷許多人問神說 "WHY?" 我們也問說- "主啊, 你要做甚麼呢? 你要我們學什麼呢?"  

就在此時, 中區的執事們與眾同工興起來, 承擔了許多平時我們牧養與行政的工作; 四十天為患病的弟兄姊妹的守望禱告, 得到主恩堂各堂會的熱烈響應; 弟兄姊妹不分堂會的輪流的給我們送飯; 問候的卡片, 錄影, 電郵都告訴我們- 我們不孤單有弟兄姊妹告訴我們, 在禱告中, 神說祂要使用麗芳的病, 使許多的人蒙福! 我們也親眼看到因為麗芳的病, 神挑旺了教會的愛心關懷和信心的禱告. 但是, 麗芳的病又會如何呢? 前途, 似乎仍是一片未知與茫然 ...

10月中服用標靶治療藥物後, 麗芳的情形開始回穩. 我們求神能在年底前病情能有"明顯改進". 感謝神, 12月初 CT報告中, 出現了"明顯改進" (significant improvement ) 的字眼, 而腦部MRI 與血液的各項檢測, 也有令人振奮的結果; 甚至右肺原發處的腫瘤也完全消失了(報告說 "... is not visible. " 這是個神蹟!) 神知道我們能承受多少!  

其實, 病中最大的挑戰, 還不是來自肉體的疼痛, 而是那無時無刻籠罩著的死亡的陰影. 醫生一再的提醒: 這病能治療, 但無法治癒! (Treatable, but not curable.) 當面對死亡時, 我們的信心彷彿將殘的燈火, 顯得這麼的蒼白無力.  但將殘的燈火祂不吹滅! 在每一次的低谷, 只有回到十字架前, 相信神的信實, 抓住祂的愛; 只有來到神的話語前, 讓祂的話帶來安慰與盼望! 神奇的是, 就是在最艱難的時刻, 經由無數你們代禱的烘托, 神的面卻因此分外的清晰, 祂的愛又是那麼真實; 這讓我們深深體會與主關係的重要與活在神家中的蒙福

最近, 神賜下 "對神的愛要有把握, 對神的能力要有期盼" 的吩咐我們期盼神完全的醫治 (祂是 - 耶和華拉法, 是醫治我們的神!) 並求神在這過程中, 讓我們更深的經歷祂的愛.  Lynda Randle 在她的詩歌 "高處的神" (God on the mountain)  中這樣說:


高處之神, 也是低谷之神.
順境之神, 也是逆境之神!
白日之神, 也是夜晚之神!

是的, 主也是低谷的神親愛的代禱夥伴們, 願在新的一年與你們同得在基督裡的豐盛 - 經歷祂的愛與能力!
孝棟, 麗芳敬上 (12/31/2013)